Newborn visit
We recommend 1st visit with newborn 48-72 hrs after discharge from hospital. At this visit we check on weight loss afterbirth, feeding and jaundice. We support with breastfeeding and help with feeding difficulties. We also provide anticipatory guidance. We do release of tongue tie if babies have tongue tie interfering with breastfeeding.
Vaccines: Your baby likely had their first Hepatitis B vaccine while in the hospital if not we will provide at this visit.
Screenings: Following up on Newborn Metabolic Screen done at the hospital
2 Week Visit
This is a visit to talk about baby’s feeding, bowel habits and sleeping . We also discuss how family is adjusting to new baby. We support breast-feeding any feeding issue. As always, answer questions and offer anticipatory guidance. We also do circumcision at parents request if not already done at hospital.
Vaccines: None
Screenings: We do 2nd Newborn Metabolic Screen at this visit
1 Month Visit
Families are usually settling in some by this visit. Feeding, sleeping and bowel habits are sometimes still a concern. At this visit we will track your baby’s growth development and answer any questions. Your baby may be starting to smile now and that helps a lot!
Screenings: Routine Well-Care.
2 month Visit
Your baby is smiling and growing. We show you their growth chart . More Anticipatory Guidance and answering any questions or concerns.
Vaccines: Vaxelis (DTaP, Polio, HIB, Hep B), Prevnar 15, Rotateq
Screenings: Routine Well-Care
4 Month Visit
Your baby is probably giggling and making lots of noise by now. Most babies are in a routine and the days are more predictable. At this visit we discuss starting solids, as well as other anticipatory guidance.
Vaccines: Vaxelis (DTaP, Polio, HIB, Hep B), Prevnar 15 & Rotateq
Screenings: Routine well-Care
6 Month Visit
Safety becomes more of an issue now as your baby has a better grasp of objects and everything goes right into their mouths. Your baby may also be moving more. We continue our discussion of eating and start talking about safety.
Vaccines: Vaxelis (DTaP, Polio, HIB, Hep B), Prevnar 15, Rotateq & Influenza #1
(The first year, your baby gets 2 half doses of Influenza. They will only need 1 next year)
Screenings: Routine Well-care
9 Month Visit
Your baby has gotten the knack for movement now. They have been crawling everywhere , even pulling up on any surface they can get their little hands on. Watch that they don’t pull anything onto their heads.
Vaccines: None.
Screenings: Ages and stages developmental questionnaire.
Dental Screening with Fluoride Varnish if teeth present.
12 Month Visit
This visit must occur after your baby’s first birthday.
Your baby is a year old already. Can you believe it? It has been a great time of changing. This is the beginning of the toddler years. Your baby is taking in their whole environment. Even though they can’t express themselves in words, they understand everything that you are saying.
Vaccines: Hepatitis A, Varicella & MMR.
Screenings: Ages and stages questionnaire.
Vision Screening
Dental Screening with Fluoride Varnish & first dental visit
Risk for Tuberculosis
Blood Lead level and Hb/Hct check for anemia
15 Month Infant
Your toddler is likely on-the-move now and safety has become your main concern. Your toddler is also starting to develop more speech. Their receptive development (understanding) is still much more developed than their expressive development. This can lead to frustration at times.
Vaccine: Prevnar 15, HIB
Screenings: Ages and stages questionnaire
Dental Screening with Fluoride Varnish if not done at 12 month
18 Month Well-Check
Speech has really taken off. During their word explosion, toddlers can pick up a word every 2 hours.
Vaccine: DTaP, Hepatitis A #2.
Screenings: Ages and stages questionnaire, Autism screening.
Vision Screening.
Dental Screening with Fluoride Varnish.
2 Year Well-Check
Your baby’s second birthday truly is a wonderful time. They are likely well into the toddler mindset. While they can be sometimes be difficult, their brain is growing at exponential rates and they are always learning new things.
Vaccines: Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Ages and stages questionnaire, Autism screening.
Vision Screening
Dental Screening with Fluoride Varnish
Anemia, TB, Lead & Dyslipidemia Screenings
Language development:
Feeding and nutrition:
3 Year Well-Check
You toddler is all about independence. They probably can dress and undress themselves. They can also carry on conversation with 2-3 word sentences. It is neat to hear how toddlers see the world.
Vaccines: Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Ages and stages questionnaire
Hearing, Vision, Anemia & Dyslipidemia Screenings.
Dental Screening for fluoride varnish
4 Year Well-Check
Four is a great age. Your child is better able to play make-believe. They may also be starting to learn colors and counting.
Anemia , lead, Dyslipidemia screening questionnaire & Tuberculosis Risk
5 Year Well-Check
This is the age of “Why.” Your child has a million questions as they learn more about their world. Your child is likely starting school and can tell a story with more detail now.
Vaccines: Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Vision/ hearing, Anemia and Dyslipidemia Screenings
6-9 Year Well-Checks
The School-Age-Years: Your child is truly becoming more independent. They have the social and physical skills to better navigate their world. This is also a time when kids delve further into hobbies and interests.
Vaccines: Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Anemia, Hearing, Vision & Dyslipidemia Screenings
10-12 Year Well-Checks
As your child enters the Pre-Teen world, they may be more concerned about what others think of them. Peer pressure can be difficult. Pre-teens are learning about their changing bodies as they start through puberty. They are learning more about responsibility as well. At this visit , we spent one to one time with pre-teen to ask them personal questions about alcohol/ substance abuse and reproductive health.
Vaccine:TdaP, & Meningitis, Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine (HPV). Yearly Influenza.
Screenings: Anemia, Hearing & Vision Screenings. Depression and mental health screening, Alcohol ,cigarette and substance abuse screen.
13 – 15 years
During the Teen years you can see your child mature into a young adult. Peer relationships take center stage as teens practice their independence. Peer pressure is still an issue as are their changing bodies through puberty.
Vaccines: Completing HPV Series & Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Depression/Social Risk factors, Dyslipidemia & Anemia, STI Screenings, alcohol, cigarette and substance abuse
- Stages of Adolescence
- Teen Safety: Putting An End to Bullying
- Drug Abuse Prevention Starts with Parents
Vaccine Table:
Vaccine information:
15 Years until early 20’s
During the Teen years you can see your child mature into a young adult. Peer relationships take center stage as teens practice their independence. Peer pressure is still an issue as are their changing bodies through puberty.
Vaccines: Meningitis (MEN B, MEN ACW) Boosters, & Yearly Influenza
Screenings: Depression/Social Risk factors, Dyslipidemia & Anemia, STI, HIV, Hepatitis C Screenings, alcohol, cigarette and substance abuse
- Stages of Adolescence
- Teen Safety: Putting An End to Bullying
- Drug Abuse Prevention Starts with Parents
Vaccine Table:
Vaccine information: